How Much Sex Is Too Much?

A few years ago it was not uncommon to hear women complain that ‘all men think about is sex.’ Something incredible must have happened along the line because these days one often hears women complain about not getting enough action from their partners. This brings up the question: ‘How Much Sex is Too Much Sex?’ Yes, How many times should a man make love to his woman.. in a day, week, or month?

Apparently, the answer will vary from person to person, and some respondents have no idea what to answer. However, it is very clear that sex plays an important role, and goes a long way in determining whether or not a person is going to be happy in a relationship.

Sexual Attraction Is Important

A girl once told me how she felt used whenever she had sex with her partner. I asked why she was still with him. Surely she did not love the guy, or perhaps she didn’t feel loved. Whatever the case, it was clear to me that she did not enjoy intimacy with the guy; she did not feel sexually attracted to him. Every touch must have been torture. She often cried, and when she couldn’t take it anymore, she left …with her two kids, after 6 years living with him.

The more perceptive among us would have already seen the moral of the story, but let us emphasize it because sometimes it just needs to be made as clear as possible:

You need to find someone sexy for the relationship to be healthy and happy. While a woman could roll her eyes upon being touched by the wrong man, she is probably going to smile when the man she loves touches her. She will look forward to it; she will want it. After a long day she is going to be happy to jump into his arms, and into his bed.

How much sex is too much for such a woman? With the wrong guy: but with the right man we can say she is going to want as much of it as she can get.

As the Wrong Guy

As the wrong guy you are going to suffer a lot; she is not going to crave you as much as you would like. You are probably going to have to spend more money, buy her more gifts, and give her more attention than you can probably afford. For all your effort she could reward you with a little something from time to time, if you find that satisfactory then perhaps all is well.

For now. Should the time ever come when she finds someone she is really attracted to, she is likely going to leave. She could get more joy from 5 minutes of his attention, than she would with several hours with you.

She could cheat, or she could leave.

As the Right Guy

As the right guy would need to buckle up: when a woman finds you attractive she is going to give you a lot of attention; maybe even more than you expected. You would also need to perform sexually because she may not be easily sated.

Of course, sexual appetite varies from person to person, and so she may or may not have that kind of energy. Nevertheless, she will demand your time, your attention, your care, and your body. Most guys are up to the task.


There is no one size fits all answer to the question of how much sex is too much. 

While some couples like to have a sex time table which helps them stay sexually connected, others like the suddenness, and spontaneity that can come with having their partner grabbing them from behind at times when they least expect it.

Most guys are happy to have sex all day long, and so it is not necessary to talk much about men. One can only say that women should pay greater attention to their needs, and ensure that the men in their lives are the right ones. Perhaps the picture and link above can help. 



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